Intimate surgery for women



Dr Adriana guzman

Who this procedure is intended for ?

With the ageing process the oestrogen production is reduced leading to thinning of the vaginal mucosa. Some women feel uncomfortable burning sensation and dryness of her vaginal mucosa, chronic irritation can lead to wounds. Nowadays is possible to treat this condition by the thermal regeneration power of the vaginal laser Monalisa Touch ™ and the unique design hyaluronic acid Desirial™ treatment which is going to improve the genital mucosa tissue quality by stimulation of the collagen and elastin production resulting in better moisturizing, elasticity and tissue tonicity.



This medical procedure involves inserting a smooth tip at the vagina of the size of your thumb, just inside the vaginal orifice. During the 30 minutes treatment, the energy released produces a warming up control and cooling of the tissues.

If a combination of treatments with Desirial® needs to be done, this procedure is performed under local anaesthesia for a pain-free treatment, the procedure implies superficial injections with tiny needles on the vulva and the introitus just under the mucosa to rehydrate.

Traitement de la sécheresse intime Dr Guzman Chirurgie intime à Paris


Intimate surgeon in Paris

Practical Information

At Dr Guzman’s office, pain-free treatment, please count around 30 min per session.



Around 6 months depending on your metabolism. Supplementary session could be necessaries in order to obtain optimal and long lasting result.


Side effects

No discomfort after the session (no flow, nothing perceives) some swelling and sensitivity of the area and for Desirial ® as any other hyaluronic acid injection: swelling, bruises and soaring sensation on the injection points.



Pregnancy and breast feeding, local inflammatory and/or infections of the area.