Intimate medicine in Paris

Treatment by Dr Guzman in Paris

Treatment by Dr Guzman


The law imposes a period of reflection: it is only after a preliminary consultation that we will or will not take the decision of a surgical intervention.
This first consultation will be the time for me to provide you with information on each aspect of the problem. I will help you outline the problems that bring you into my office, the object being that the diagnosis be rigorously laid .

With the aid of printed sheets, I present to you all the facets of the possible operation: profits, but also the risks and complications of which I make it a duty to inform you in a complete way.

At the end of this first appointment, I will probably give you a prescription to carry out various examinations, to help the diagnosis and often also for a finer evaluation of the impact of the operation on your various functions.


Treatment by Dr Guzman

Treatment by Dr Guzman in Paris

Dr adriana guzman


At the 2nd appointment, we have a rigorous diagnosis, and we investigate all the possible questions to consider before making the decision to have surgery.

Among the most frequent questions are the conditions of care, we will discuss that together. We will also talk about scarring: the scars following the plastic surgical procedures are placed in the anatomical folds or other areas where they are hidden or almost invisible. Surgical dressings will provide comfort and protection during the few strategic days following surgery.

In some cases, restraints are recommended to improve the final result. Regarding the threads, the sutures used to close the skin and the mucous membranes are now very thin and I use resorbable sutures that do not require any removal.


We will also discuss anesthesia. I give my recommendations but it is the anesthetist, in agreement with you since you will meet him before the operation, who will decide, depending on the nature of the operation and according to the results of your exams, what anesthesia he will perform.


If the procedure involves general anesthesia, a standard preoperative protocol should be established: blood tests, electrocardiogram, anesthetic consultation, fasting, interruption of any aspirin-based or similar drug treatment at least 10 days before Intervention and smoking cessation at least 2 weeks before.


In some cases, only local anesthesia will be offered.


intimate plastic surgeon in Paris Paris

If we decide on an intervention, we will fix the date and it is up to me to schedule the technical platform adapted for the day of the intervention.

Most of the aesthetic procedures are done today in ambulatory- day surgery (entrance in the morning and exit before the evening), however to guarantee the quality of the treatments I may propose to you one night in clinic.